The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be the Desperate Hours, screening at 1:00 pm on December 27 in the Holocaust Museum’s theatre in Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. This stirring documentary includes interviews with historians, diplomats, clergy and survivors in the United States, Turkey, Italy and Israel telling the virtually unknown story of Turkey’s rescue of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. This film, produced in 2001, has a running time of 64 minutes.
Introductory remarks and a post screening discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Zvi Tannenbaum, former professor of history at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin and now serves as General Studies Principal at Bais Yaakov High School, St. Louis. Dr. Tannenbaum, who received his Ph.D. at Stanford University is also a founding member of the Holocaust Educators and Academic Roundtable of the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education in Kansas City. Films in this Sunday series are free and open to the public, although reservations are requested. For further information, call 314-442-3711 or email