Change Begins with YOU Survey Change Begins with YOU Survey Which workshops did you attend?*How to Fight AntisemitismFrom Genocide to Ethnic CleansingTaming the Digital Wildfire (Media Literacy)The Human Cost of Dehumanizing LanguageHow YOU Can Become an Active AllySelect one or more options. Use the CTRL button to select multiple options.How did you hear about this workshop series?*EmailSocial MediaMuseum WebsiteWord of MouthLocal MediaOtherDo you believe the Change Begins with YOU workshop series provided you with skills to fight hate, understand media, engage with difficult conversations, or otherwise engage with the world?*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeWould you attend a similar workshop series in the future?*YesNoUnsureWere there any topics *not* covered that you would like to learn more about?*Which workshop(s) did you find most useful?*Additional CommentsCAPTCHA Δ