Lecture on the Holocaust in Salonika presented at HMLC
The destruction of the Jewish community of Salonika, a major port city in northern Greece, will be the focus of a presentation at the Holocaust...
Going Against Logic
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. “I always follow my logic” was my father’s...
Memories: Auschwitz-Birkenau
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. Dear God, You let me come To the twilight of my life–...
A Prayer for Answers
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. Again and again I reminisce About my life. How can I...
In Memoriam
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. My being is engulfed in deep sorrow. The loss of my dear...
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. My resilience is fading, But I try to hold it tight. I had...
O, My Back!
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. My spine decided It needed more attention From me! It...
Unforgettable Memories
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. Again and again The memories flood my mind, Intense,...
Being Something
The following story was written by Miriam Spiegel Raskin and shared as part of the Memory Project. I thought I was familiar with the degradations...
Questions Without Answers
The following story was written by Miriam Spiegel Raskin and shared as part of the Memory Project. I thought I was done thinking about it all, but...