Location: Ann Arbor • Austria • California • Champaign • England • France • Hannibal • Illinois • Japan • Mauthausen • Michigan • Missouri • Paris • United States of America
Experience During Holocaust: Liberated a Concentration Camp • Was a Soldier
Chief Justice Albert L. Rendlen was born April 7, 1922 in Hannibal, Missouri. Rendlen enlisted in the United States Army in 1942 and served until 1946. He was in the European Theater of Operations, 1944-1946, as a rifleman with the Sixty-third Armored Infantry Battalion. He was a liberator of Mauthausen Concentration camp near Linz, Austria.
Chief Justice Albert L. Rendlen died on November 23, 2009.
Mapping Albert's Life
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“You don't leave [an experience like that] behind. Nothing I've ever experienced even comes close to that. I've had disappointments. I've had sadness. I've had great moments of exaltation, and they're level lines in comparison to this.”
- Albert Rendlen