23 Students Win in 16th Annual Holocaust Museum Art & Writing Contest
More than $2,500 in cash prizes will be awarded to 23 winners of the Holocaust Museum & Learning Center’s 16th Annual Art & Writing Contest...
1988 – Fifty Years Later
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. I was born in Vienna, Austria in the month of January in the...
A Birthday Gift from my Mother
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. I have just spent the last year living through two difficult...
Approaching the Eve of At-one-ment – Yom Kippur, 1997
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. Yesterday I went to a Sabbath service. It wasn’t just an...
Aunt Rosa
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. Aunt Rosa and my mother Berta were born one year apart. The...
Aunt Rosa’s Apple Strudel
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. Aunt Rosa was my mother’s sister, and she lived with us most...
Berta’s Longer Story
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. What next? What is next for me and my family? How much more...
Family Photos
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. The family photos of my early childhood were the substitute...
Going Back
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. I am perched on the verge of a pilgrimage back to my roots....
Healing in the Open
The following story was written by Liz Lippa and shared as part of the Memory Project. In a bizarrely freak accident in a car wash, my car ran over...