Exhibit at HMLC Featuring Nazi Propaganda and Disinformation Closing September 20, 2015
The Holocaust Museum and Learning Center’s temporary exhibit, “Capturing Hearts and Minds: Images of Nazi Propaganda and Disinformation,” will close...
Hitler’s Children to Screen at HMLC
The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be Hitler’s Children, screening at 1 pm on August 30, in the...
St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center Recognizes 20 Years of Education
Remember. Honor. Act. Make A Difference. The remembrance of the Holocaust continues to resonate with a St. Louis museum that is recognizing its...
HMLC to Commemorate Tisha B’Av with Special Film Program
The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be the screening of a special film commemorating Tisha B’Av, the ninth day...
Forbidden Sounds: Composers in Exile to Screen at HMLC
The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be Verbotene Klang: Komponisten im Exil (Forbidden Sounds:...
The Gray Zone to Screen at HMLC
The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be The Gray Zone, screening at 1pm on May 31, 2015, in the...
33 Teens Win in 13th Annual Holocaust Museum Art & Writing Contest
33 Teens Win in 13th Annual Holocaust Museum Art & Writing Contest Nearly 900 students from middle schools and high schools throughout the...
God on Trial to Screen at HMLC
The next film of 2015 in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be God On Trial, screening at 1 pm on April 26, in the...
The Book Thief to Screen at HMLC
The next film in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be The Book Thief, screening at 1 pm on March 29 in the Holocaust...
2015 Exhibit at HMLC Featuring Nazi Propaganda and Disinformation
A new exhibit, “Capturing Hearts and Minds: Images of Nazi Propaganda and Disinformation,” opens on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 pm at the Holocaust...