The Nocturnal Monsters
The following story was written by Beatrice Wyllie and shared as part of the Memory Project. It had snowed that day, and the sidewalks looked...
The following story was written by Beatrice Wyllie and shared as part of the Memory Project. At thirteen, she knows everything; she can do anything....
An Evening that Changes my Life
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. It is evening, fall of 1947. We are...
Hidden Child
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. There are many ways that children survived...
If It Weren’t Impossible, I’d…
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. How I wish I could find someone to hypnotize...
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. February 1945. Planes roaring overhead;...
Photo Essay
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. “Cioci Frenie, Felusia; Sopoty,20/9/1945” –...
The Old Woman
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. “The Old Woman,” as I call the woodcarving...
Beautiful Sunset
This story was written by Felicia Lederberger-Bialecki-Graber and shared as part of the Memory Project. It is 1956, and I am sixteen years...
Critically acclaimed film “The Believer” to Screen at HMLC
The next film in the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center’s Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series will be a critically acclaimed...