Holocaust Museum Debuts Interactive Exhibit: ‘Change Begins With Me’
First visitors to HMLC learn the history of the Holocaust, then with the aid of technology, confront today’s local and international issues of hate,...
Kent Hirschfelder Named Chair of the STL Holocaust Museum
Since 2000, he’s been involved with HMLC serving in several roles. Find out what in his family history piqued his interest in the Holocaust. Kent...
Shoah Scholar to Address Holocaust Denial
Dr. Ephraim Kaye, Director of International Seminars, International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, will present a lecture...
Special film to Commemorate Tisha B’Av
‘A Yiddish World Remembered’ to screen at Holocaust Museum Sun. July 29, 2 pm in the Holocaust Museum Theatre The Holocaust Museum and Learning...
Strange Fruit to Screen at Holocaust Museum
Documentary tells the history of a protest song, inspired by the terror of lynching, written by a Jewish schoolteacher in the Bronx. A must see....
Holocaust Museum to Honor Survivors Leo and Sara Wolf
The Wolfs are being recognized for their contribution in helping to establish the Museum and its ongoing success. Sun., Aug. 5, 5:30 pm at the St....
Holocaust Museum Flooded With Record 400 Visitors on April 12
3 Survivors spoke and 12 docents led the groups who were from the StL region, Iowa and Indiana. The St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center...
Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness to Screen at the Holocaust Museum
Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness is the next film to be screened in the Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series at 1 p.m., April...
2012 Annual Holocaust Remembrance to Commemorate ‘Survivors Among Us: Stories From the Shoah’
Yom HaShoah memorializes the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust. Sun., April 22, 4 pm at Congregation Temple Israel (Spoede & Ladue...
‘Freedom Writers’ to Screen at Holocaust Museum
March 25, 1pm, the Holocaust Museum theatre Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive Family-friendly film, 'Freedom Writers,'...