My Mother’s Death
The following story was written by Felicia Stolarczyk Wertz and shared as part of the Memory Project. I grew up in orphanages in Russia and...
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. It is a Wednesday afternoon in April. and I am sitting in...
The following story was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. What a gorgeous day with cloudless blue sky! Looking...
Big Wishes
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. The heat is oppressive, the humidity is high, the hallways...
Celebrating Fifteen Years
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. The St. Louis Holocaust Museum And Learning Center Is...
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. How many killing fields Our planet holds! How inhuman are...
Disturbing Thoughts
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. Sad tidings appear all over the world: economically,...
In The Garden of the Righteous
The following story was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. I am sitting in the Garden of the Righteous, among...
Saint Louis
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. This is Saint Louis, Missouri, In the middle of September,...
Tragic Happenings
The following poem was written by Hilda Lebedun and shared as part of the Memory Project. Devastating earthquakes, Lost lives, Suffering of the hurt...