Location: Bamberg • Germany • Missouri • Orsk • Ozorków • Poland • Russia • Samarkand • St. Louis • United States of America • Ural Mountains • USSR • Uzbekistan • Warsaw
Experience During Holocaust: Escaped the Holocaust • Family Died During the Holocaust • Sent to Internment Camp • Was a Forced Laborer
Alex Perez was born August 23, 1919 in Ozorkow, Poland. It was a town of about 16,000-18,000 people near the city of Lodz. Mr. Perez was about 20 when the war broke out on September 1, 1939.
Alex Perez was in Ozorkow until 1941 and was sent to the Lodz Ghetto in 1944. In 1944, Mr. Perez was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau for a period of four weeks. From there, he was sent to another camp near the city of Dachau, Germany named Kaufering Camp #4.
Alex Perez came to the United States on September 16, 1946. Mr. Perez was one of two family members of a family of nine that survived the Holocaust.
Alex Perez died on January 20, 2012.
Mapping Alex's Life
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