Ben Kingsley stars in the 2018 film “Operation Finale,” the March selection for the 2020 Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg Sunday Afternoon Film Series. Kingsley portrays Adolf Eichmann and Oscar Isaac portrays Mossad agent Peter Malkin in this thrilling true story of the pursuit and arrest of the infamous Nazi officer responsible for the murder of millions of Jews.
This film is being screened in conjunction with an exhibition of graphic images created by Malkin, currently on view at the Holocaust Museum & Learning Center.
Introductory remarks and post-screening discussion facilitated by Erin McGlothlin, Associate Professor of German and Jewish Studies at Washington University. Dr. McGlothlin’s main research interests are German-Jewish literature and the literature of the Holocaust. Her most recent publications include Persistent Legacy: The Holocaust and German Studies (2016, with Jennifer Kapczynski) and The Construction of Testimony: Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah and its Outtakes (2020, with Brad Prager and Markus Zisselsberger).
The screening will be at 1 pm on March 29 in the Holocaust Museum & Learning Center Theater at 12 Millstone Campus Drive. Films in this Sunday series are free and open to the public.
Learn more and RSVP at For further information, call 314-442-3714. The 2020 Sunday Afternoon Film Series is generously sponsored by Sandra and Mendel Rosenberg.